Get free URLs for your Website and increase your Business with SEO.

With each coming day, competition is increasing in the market, you need to be wise to grow. Choosing ClearSEO for organic growth in the online visibility of your company is a wise decision.

With each coming day, competition is increasing in the market, you need to be wise to grow.

Choosing ClearSEO for organic growth in the online visibility of your company is a wise decision.

Download & crawl 500 URLs for free, or buy a license to remove the limit & access advanced features.

This is a website crawler that helps you improve onsite SEO, by extracting data & auditing for common SEO issues. It is a powerful and flexible site crawler, able to crawl both small and very large websites efficiently while allowing you to analyze the results in real-time. It gathers key onsite data to allow SEOs to make informed decisions.

Used by some of the biggest brands& agencies such as Apple, Google, Disney, Amazon, Distilled, Seer.

It will help you solve the enlisted issues:

1 - Find Broken Links -

Crawl a website instantly and find broken links (404s) and server errors. Bulk export the errors and source URLs to fix, or send to a developer.

2 - Audit Redirects -

Find temporary and permanent redirects, identify redirect chains and loops, or upload a list of URLs to audit in a site migration.

3 - Analyse Page Titles & Meta Data -

Analyze page titles and meta descriptions during a crawl and identify those that are too long, short,missing, or duplicated across your site.

4 - Discover Duplicate Content -

Discover exact duplicate URLs with an md5 algorithmic check, partially duplicated elements such as page titles,descriptions, or headings, and find low content pages.

5 - Extract Data with XPath -

Collect any data from the HTML of a web page using CSS Path, XPath, or regex. This might include social meta tags,additional headings, prices, SKUs, or more!

6 - Review Robots & Directives -

View URLs blocked by robots.txt,meta robots, or X-Robots-Tag directives such as ‘noindex or ‘nofollow’, as well as canonicals and rel=“next” and rel=“prev”.

7 - Generate XML Sitemaps -

Quickly create XML Sitemaps andImage XML Sitemaps, with advanced configuration over URLs to include lastmodified, priority, and change frequency.

8 - Integrate with GA, GSC & PSI -

Connect to the Google Analytics,Search Console, and PageSpeed Insights APIs and fetch user and performance data for all URLs in a crawl for greater insight.

9 - Crawl JavaScript Websites -

Render web pages using the integrated Chromium WRS to crawl dynamic, JavaScript-rich websites and frameworks, such as Angular, React, and Vue.js.

10 - Visualize Site Architecture -

Evaluate internal linking and URL structure using interactive crawl and directory force-directed diagrams and tree graph site visualizations.

11 - Schedule Audits -

Schedule crawls to run at chosen intervals and auto-export crawl data to any location, including Google Sheets.Or automate entirely via the command line.

12 - Compare Crawls & Staging -

Track the progress of SEO issues and opportunities and see what's changed between crawls. Compare staging against production environments using advanced URL Mapping.

13 - Labour extensive work -

Manually checking every page would be extremely labor-intensive, and where you can easily miss a redirect, meta refresh, or duplicate page issue. You can view, analyze and filter the crawl data as it’s gathered and updated continuously in the program’s user interface.

14- A base for SEO recommendations -

The SEO  allows you to export key onsite SEO elements(URL, page title, meta description, headings, etc) to a spreadsheet, so it can easily be used as a base for SEO recommendations.

15 - Discovers hyperlinks in HTML -

The SEO crawls sites like Google bot discovering hyperlinks in the HTML using a breadth-first algorithm. It uses a configurable hybrid storage engine, able to save data in RAM and disk to crawl large websites. By default, it will only crawl the raw HTML of a website, but it can also render web pages using headless Chromium to discover content and links.

ClearSEO being a Search Engine not only enhances your online visibility but also helps you get the URLs with numerous features.It allows your company to grow in the market with the latest methods and technologies.