ClearSEO, The New Generation Of Content Marketing

The way that online users are using search engines is changing. Short tail keywords(that is, broken and fragmented keywords) were once the norm of Googling something.

The way that online users are using search engines is changing. Short tail keywords(that is, broken and fragmented keywords) were once the norm of Googling something.

For example,

When looking for a computer repair company, most people would just type “computer repair” into their search engine of choice, may it be Google or Binge. As our digital landscape got wider and everyday users got more comfortable and reliant on search engines, it became clear that the long tail keyword was king. The shift of search engine algorithms made this clear. SEO became about hitting longer, more phrases like searches.

ClearSEO being a Search Engine Optimization provides you and your company with the best keywords. Based on the research we do, and what we discover, our Clear SEO experts will create a list of keywords/keyphrases that will be incorporated into an extensive content strategy. Through this, we’ll identify monthly search volume potential and calculate the investment needed to overcome your competitors.


What we see moving forward with new ClearSEO strategies is that this phrase-based searching is shifting as well.Several factors change the way we search, especially with the rising popularity of voice search technologies in the palm of our hands. It seems natural to ask Siri “where should I go for coffee?” rather than manually type in a broken keyword. Another factor impacting the way we search is the way people think about Google.

According to StatCounter, 55% of online users browsed with Google Chrome. The benefit of Google Chrome is that you can use the address bar to type in your search query, which means that users aren’t always using Google to search, but are considering the address barand search tool more of a navigation method for the digital landscape. Google has also shifted how they present search results. When you search for something which Google’s RankBrain can find you a clear answer for, those answers will pop up in Google’s answer box. This gives the website that pops up a perceived authority to the user on the topic and drives more clicks to that page - even if it isn't organically the number one search result.

So,what does this all mean?

Google is changing its algorithms based on the methodology behind users’ searches. As more online users start typing into the search bar using more complete questions or phrases, Googleshifts the way their algorithm values a website.

● The ClearSEO Answer

The answer to this problem of changing searches was presented with a new ClearSEO strategy:

Topic Clusters

Instead of creating lots of easily digestible, short blogs based around very similar content in an attempt to capture all of the keywords possible, group the blogs based on topics. This will help create clusters of content, and keep your website more organized.

How does this help your SEO strategy?

The answer lies in the hyperlink.The way that a cluster works is by linking a main, lengthy piece of content toa series of smaller breakout pieces of content. The longer piece is about the topic or the phrase which people will be typing into Google, and the breakout pieces of content are based around subtopics or the various long tail keywords that are associated with this phrase.

The longer core piece of content links to all of the shorter pieces of content, and the shorter pieces link back to the core piece of content. This keeps everything organized and easy to find.The more you keep your content organized, the easier it is for bots to crawl which is great news for your SERP rank. When Google’s RankBrain algorithms can find your content easiest, they reward your pages with a higher ranking.

In this way, the new generation of content marketing will let your business top the ranking and will automatically increase your online visiblity.