ClearSEO keep changing its techniques and evolving too, to avoid mistakes

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a powerful tool to help rank your website in Google search results. It is a long, constant ongoing process. Changes are happening constantly, with the new updates coming all the time, markets fluctuating, and customer priorities changing, and even the algorithms.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a powerful tool to help rank your website in Google search results. It is a long, constant ongoing process. Changes are happening constantly, with the new updates coming all the time, markets fluctuating, and customer priorities changing, and even the algorithms.

So,the ClearSEO techniques keep changing and evolving too

You need to stay updated with all the changes happening and the best ClearSEO's

techniques. Let your company utilize the most effective ClearSEO methods.

ClearSEO never let your company or brand commit these mistakes -

1 - Not having a clearSEO plan or Blueprint -

This shouldn’t surprise you that you need clear SEO goals to succeed. But a lot of marketers and businessmen run SEO campaigns without setting any goals. They think that SEO will bring them traffic and also increase their sales. But that’s not true.

For your SEO techniques to work, you need to be certain about what you want to achieve. If it’s more sales, better quality traffic, or more organic leads you’re trying to get.

In layman language, assume that you are getting over a thousand organic users on your website but only 1 of them is giving you a lead or making a sale. There could be 2 reasons for this,

●      First, your website is not being able to turn your visitors into customers.

●      Second, you are not driving the right kind of traffic to your website.

So, without any clear goals, you won’t be able to fulfill your objective.

Whereas ClearSEO has a very clearmotive to bring you relevant traffic and increase your online visibility organically. It has a specific goal.

2 - Ignoring Mobile Traffic -

If you are not considering mobile traffic and if your website is not mobile-friendly or mobile search is not a part of your SEO plan, You might be losing too much opportunity there.

In today’s time, almost 50% of the traffic comes from mobile devices.  Also, Google supports mobile-friendly websites. To make your website ready for organic traffic from mobile devices,you need a website that your website is mobile responsive and can load in under 3 seconds. Page-speed and mobile-friendly are important ranking factors in SEO.

You should do mobile optimization want to get more organic website traffic.

3 - Purchasing Backlinks -

Backlinks are an essential part of SEO and one of the most important ones as well. But you can get a penalty from Google if you are buying backlinks to boost your website rankings. You’re not only wasting your time doing this but also running a risk of ruining your website’s chances to rank. Not to mention this is also a part of black hat SEO.And as soon as Google will know about this, it can devalue your website and never let it show up on the Search Engine Results Page.

Google has all the data of the websites, which sell links because all the link-builders or link-sellers have the same list of websites from where they sell links. And since Google has all these site’s data, they devalue them.

And to help you with the Backlinkhat activities ClearSEO is already there is working on your website.

4 - Ignoring Search Intent -

Google prefers the site which gives importance to this factor. Search intent is the

motivation behind someone searching for something. You have to figure out how the user can search for something you are offering. Is the user looking to learn something or do they want to buy anything?

5 - Using Old SEO Practices -

Since Google is constantly updating its Search Algorithm. ClearSEO techniques are always changing and upgrading.The SEO strategies that used to work a few years ago are irrelevant and ineffective today. But ClearSEO is updated with new strategies.

So, in total on top of SERPs, you need to constantly stay updated and use the latest SEO techniques.

Past popular services like keyword stuffing and private blog networks, face penalties

and not rankings.

6 - Not Using Other Content Than Text -

 There should be content on a website, but it’s not the only thing that matters. There is another form of content as well. For example, podcasts, videos, infographics, images, etc.These things also help you in ranking and also driving organic traffic to your website.

People prefer watching videos or infographics, etc. over reading. Video and images attract people easily too,that’s why you see videos on feeds and everywhere

else. ClearSEO built the content in the form of video, infographics, and images.

7 - Ignoring Server Issues Or Not Having A Secure Site -

HTTP status is one of the most technical problems related to websites. Broken links make you lose your audience. And not having an HTTPS certificate, means your site not

being secure is also an issue you should not ignore.

These were a bunch of  mistakes which ClearSEO never let your company to commit.