Aspects Of On-page SEO Concerning ClearSEO

On-page SEO Techniques are those performed inside the website itself. The major aspects of On-Page SEO are -

On-page SEO Techniques are those performed inside the website itself. The major aspects of On-Page SEO are -

1 - Use LSI Keywords -

So in content writing for websites the very first thing one should give attention to is to analyze keywords with LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) that are trending, frequently asked by people, and some similar keywords that could be potentially searched. For this, you can use different keyword analysis tools or software available online. There are also some free websites for the same. Use proper keywords in the website content and place your keywords at the top prominent places that help a website to show up in Google search with a high rank for a related search.

2 - Title Tag -

The best practice to giving an effective title tag is that it should contain 55-60 characters including space.It is good and preferred that you use a keyword in the title tag but it’s not mandatory and if it sounds unusual to frame a sentence using the keyword in the title tag, you can avoid it. Don’t try to impose your keywords forcefully. You can use the brand name after the title tag separated by a bar (|).

3 - H1 Heading or H-tags -

It is necessary to put one H1 tag at the heading per page. The heading is the first thing a visitor generally sees after landing on the page. The search engine also values it a little more than the other content of the page. So it is better that you put the targeted keyword there. But again it should surely resemble the content on that page.The other tags that are used after H1 tags are H2 tags, H3, and H4 tags. It depends on your site structure suppose if you have added H2 tags and after H2 tags there are some subheadings then you can add that subheading in H3 tags.

4 - Alt/Title Tags For Images -

Giving alt tags in images of a website is a primary and important on-page SEO technique.You can target the primary keyword to be used in the title/alt tag. The length should be preferably 8-10 words and should describe the content the image is related to. This will help the search engine find your image easily for a relevant search and hence direct to your website through it. Also if it is relevant you can use a geo-locator in the alt tag (eg. California).

5 - Check Site Speed -

Page load speed is another one of the important factors that affect mainly user experience and also in ranking. With the help of Google’s Page Speed Insights, and you can check your website’s loading time both on mobile and desktop. Also, find the elements or give suggestions that need to be optimized to speed up your website’s loading time. Minimizing HTTP requests, Server loading speed, minifying CSS, JS, and HTML, enabling Gzip compressor, using image sizes within 100 kb, etc are to be done properly to obtain a moderate page load speed. If you are using a wordpress theme then keep in mind that try to use a minimum number of plugins and update your site regularly.

There are many factors you have to optimize for your site speed like First contentful paint (FCP), First Input Delay(FID), Largest contentful Paint(LCP), and Cumulative layout shift(CLS) if you have achieved all of them score 80% then your site speed is very good as compared to others site at Mobile and Desktop both.

6 - Meta Tag -

Meta tags tell search engines important information about your webpage or what the webpage is all about. It shows how or what should display on the search engine result page. Optimizing meta tags is one of the foremost techniques of on-page SEO.Some important meta tags are meta title, meta description, meta robots, meta viewport, and meta refresh redirect. The word limit of meta title would be 60-70 characters includes space and the word limit for meta description wouldbe 155-165 includes space.

7 - Always Use HTTPS -

Any search engine recommends that always use the secure socket for your site which helps your user and it will also help to get rank or increase the authority of yoursite in terms of security. So always use HTTPS with your domain. This also helps other users when they are putting any sensitive data on your site.

8 - Schema MArkup -

Schema Markup is another great on-page SEO technique that increases your website CTRand users. This schema markup deals with many things like a rich snippet,breadcrumb FAQ, date snippet, business markup, Event markup and creates a knowledge graph for your business. Schema markup can be written mainly in two forms JSON-LD and Microdata.

9- Check 404 and Soft 404 Page -

This is another great technique for on-page optimization if your website pages getting 404 or soft 404 errors, so in that case, you must have to check that page and redirect to them on 301 or at the right pages. Sometimes this error increases your website bounce rate and will decrease your website CTR from the search engine page. So always keep updating your page with such types of errors.