Market Leader

Best for: Large population cities and competitive industries such as attorneys, restaurants, and car dealerships

What’s Included?
Website Audit
Keyword Research
Keyword Target/Ranking
100 keywords

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We will discuss these factors during your free SEO consulation, and work with you to put together the right SEO package for your business goals and needs.

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All About Package.

$3000 Package

Website Audit ✓

Keyword  Research ✓

Keyword  Target/Ranking ✓

Meta  Title and Description ✓

Duplicate  Content Analysis ✓

Header  Tags ✓

Speed  Optimization ✓

Image  ALT Tags ✓

100 keywords ✓

Setup  Website Robots.txt ✓

Setup  Website Sitemap  ✓

Website  Mobile Responsive ✓

Core  Web Vital Issues ✓

Page  Size/Optimization ✓

Google  Analytics Setup ✓

Google  Search Console Setup\ ✓

Tap  Targeting/ Legible Font Issues ✓

Canonical  Issues ✓

Schema  Implementation ✓

Custom  404  ✓

Image  Optimization ✓

Broken  Link Checker ✓

Internal  Link Navigation Checking ✓

Website  URL Optimization ✓

Profile  Creation/web 2.o ✓

Social  Bookmarking ✓

100 Blog/Articles ✓

Classified  Ads ✓

PPT/PDF Submission ✓

Press  Release ✓

Guest  Posting ✓

Linkedin  Content Posting ✓

Quora  Question/Answer ✓

Social  Media Optimization ✓

Blog  Commenting ✓

Image  Submission ✓

Video  Creation Submission ✓

Business  listings ✓

Podcasting ✓

Infographic  Creation & Submission ✓

Analytic  Report with Webmaster ✓

Weekly Report ✓


The Market Leader package is perfect for those businesses in a highly competitive industry or living in a very big area or large city. It works well for those with multiple locations, franchises, large e-commerce sites, or those who want to compete on a national level. If you’re ready to take over the top of the search rankings for your successful business that already has an online presence, you’re ready for the Market Leader Package.

Need a custom solution? Get in touch and let us know how we can help!

Want to attract more customers and increase your revenue? The right SEO campaign helps you outrank the competiton.

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